Our research

Our research

An important and visible part of the RICDOI activities are researches. From a thematic perspective, they round out the complex study of intertwined topics in the field of textile mechanics, engineering design, innovative textile products development and ergonomics of the thermal environment.

Research is taking place under the Research Programme of Clothing Engineering and Textile Materials as well as under domestic and international scientific research projects.

The research program involves studies of textile structures behavior at small loads, the development of high-performance intelligent and / or functional garments and ergonomics of the thermal environment with an emphasis on a comprehensive study, providing comfort when wearing the garment.

The visible part of our research activities is focused on a narrower field of clothing engineering; on development of clothing systems for physically limited people, on experimental design and development of innovative technologies as well as on development of high-quality intelligent and functional clothing and / or other products for technical use, personal protective equipment, physiology clothing and wearing comfort.